Episode 97 - Creating Connected Experiences with Unni Turrettini
One of the things that we know as social scientists is that people need connection. It is not that we want connection, or would prefer connection, but that we need it to be part of our lives. Some of the foundational figures in sociology were all concerned with the onset of isolation and disconnection that came with industrial society. Durkheim looked at anomie. Marx looked at alienation. Even today we see works like Putnam’s Bowling Alone and many others who see the ways in which we are more and more disconnected even though technology can bring us closer and closer together.
It leads one to wonder whether loneliness is not just a bug of modern society, but rather a feature of it. All of this was of course increased during the pandemic when people not only felt isolated, but were in fact isolated. Social distancing only reinforced the sense of distance people already felt prior to the pandemic. Even in Scandinavia, which is supposed to be the happiest place on Earth, people are still unhappy. And this unhappiness and disconnection can put us in survival mode. In the end, if all we are doing is surviving, can we ever be living?
We are excited to welcome Unni Turrenttini. Unni is a best-selling and award-winning author, international speaker, and loneliness and connection expert. Her work is about helping people find deeper connection and belonging, so that they can thrive in their personal and professional lives. What’s really powerful about our conversation is Unni takes us not only into the realms of how to talk about belonging and connection, but also how to articulate their importance in and for businesses (you know those places where adults spend most of their time) and what it means to create experiences around belonging such as optimizing the organization for the employee as a person.
Episode Intro Music - The Tall Pines - “The Key”
Episode Ending Music - Ketsa - ”Dreaming Days”