Experience Strategy and Umami with Aga Szóstek

In experience design, there is design thinking, design doing, and design strategizing. Seldom do all three things come together in one package. This clearly presents a problem. Thinking isn’t enough without the doing. And doing isn’t enough without a strategy for what we are doing and why we are doing it. How to tie these things together becomes not just a challenge, but a requirement if you want your company to succeed long-term.

Taking the messy, ephemeral aspects of how we go through life - expectations, memories, senses - and turn those into strategic points for organizational action. And it is not just about having organizational action, but more importantly organizational impact. The question becomes in what ways are the experiences we design impactful? And how do we have impact that has larger meaning and connected to a greater purpose? Changing behavior is hard because it is easy to come back to the old behaviors. With old behaviors comes predictable outcomes. In a world where change is needed, we can no longer abide by predictable outcomes.

Today on Experience by Design, we are very excited to have Dr. Aga Szóstek. Aga is one of the foremost experience design thinkers and strategists around. In 2021, she published The Umami Strategy: Stand Out by Mixing Business with Experience Design. She followed that up with Leadership by Design: A Guide to Transform You as a Leader in 2023. Central to all of her work is how to take complex ideas, couple them with theoretical frameworks, and turn them into actionable strategies. Her practical approach is inspired by a deeper knowledge that is built on her own unique path to her current work.

In our conversation, we explore what is at the center of experience design as an emergent field. We discuss how she works as a type of Experience Therapist who helps her clients shift their worldview and strategy. Her Umami Strategy course is meant to help people find a way to do things that are meaningful to them, and can be meaningful to others. Rather than going for the big change, you can go for 1000 small changes. Once people see that change is possible, then you give them confidence to make those bigger changes. Ultimately, every experience designer is a person who wants to fix the world. Through her perspective and work, Aga definitely is on a mission to deliver on that promise.

Aga Szóstek on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/aga-sz%C3%B3stek-5aa2321/

Aga Szóstek Website - https://agaszostek.com/en

Episode Intro Music - The Tall Pines - “The Key”

Episode Ending Music - Ketsa - ”Dreaming Days”



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