Virtual Communities & Membership Experience with Nicholas Bott

Running a professional association ain’t easy. There are a lot of elements that go into creating and delivering a quality member experience. Living during a pandemic has only made that more challenging as conferences go online, member information needs change, and organizations try to find ways to provide meaningful experiences and value to their membership. 

To help explore this issue, we welcome Nicholas Bott of Sengii to the Experience by Design studios. Sengii’s platform and features helps organizations create online communities and member experiences. But they do more than that. By working with organizational leadership, Sengii also helps organizations develop strategies to help grow their membership. Through their team of “Supernerds” and continuously expanding offering, Nick and Sengii work closely with organizations to support their mission of making online communities possible. 

We talk about the nature of virtual communities, the temptation of selling your dream at the risk of losing your vision, creating a team of people who are empowered to innovate, and finding purpose in the Sengii product. 

Nicholas Bott - LinkedIn: Twitter: - Facebook:

Sengii website:

Episode Intro Music - The Tall Pines - “The Key”

Episode Ending Music - Ketsa - ”Dreaming Days”


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