Marissa Bluestine, Criminal Justice Experience, and Legal Design

Before COVID-19, the criminal justice system was cracking under its own weight. Now, those cracks have started to spread. Police are changing how they perform their duties based on the virus, limiting pro-active policing and placing N95 masks next to Kevlar vests as safety equipment. Courts are shutting down based, suspending trials and releasing those awaiting trial. Prisons are facing a potential major crisis with outbreaks looming and emerging behind the walls. What we are seeing happen today is not surprising given that we incarcerate more people by far than any other industrialized country in the world. But just because it is not surprising does not mean it should be acceptable. 

Attorney Marissa Bluestine comes by the Experience by Design studios to talk about her work in the criminal justice system, and what can be done to design a better system. While today’s episode was recorded before the COVID-19 outbreak, we do examine the issues around the criminal justice system. From her founding of the Pennsylvania Innocence Project, to her current work with as an Assistant Director of the Quattrone Center for the Fair Administration of Justice at the University of Pennsylvania, we explore what a just criminal justice system would look like. 


Gio LoMonaco on Music and the Viewing Experience


Dr. John Torous, Digital Psychiatry, and Delightful Mental Health