Justin Sandercoe and Designing Virtual Guitar Learning Experiences

During the pandemic, people have been trying to find ways to fill their time, often by pursuing hobbies they always wanted to pursue. One such hobby is learning how to play guitar. Who better to talk about teaching guitar online, as well as designing online learning experiences, than Justin Sandercoe, also known as JustinGuitar. Starting in 2003, Justin is one of the top 10 YouTubers in the United Kingdom through his online guitar instruction forum. Justin’s site has had triple the traffic during the lockdown with people of all kinds trying to fulfill their guitar dreams, reaching almost one million unique visitors in one month alone.

We dig into the experience of creating engaging online learning experiences and teaching to guitar students of all levels, and talk about his blanket as a transitional object and now a key feature of his brand. We also discuss how having a ‘beginner’s mind’ is important for any teacher, and how learning left-handed gives him greater empathy for beginners (and with luck more empathy for left handed people).

JustinGuitar Instructional Site - https://justinguitar.com

JustinGuitar on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNkm8o5LiEVLxO8w0p2sfQ

JustinGuitar on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/justinguitar

JustinGuitar on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/justinguitarofficial/

Justin Sandercoe on Twitter - https://twitter.com/justinsandercoe

Episode Intro Music - The Tall Pines - “The Key”

Episode Ending Music - Ketsa - ”Dreaming Days”


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